SLS - North Yorkshire
SLS - North Yorkshire - Service Overview
SLS - North Yorkshire - PDF
Saint John of God Hospitaller Services - Visit website
SLS - North Yorkshire - Service Overview
SLS - North Yorkshire - PDF
Saint John of God Hospitaller Services - Visit website

North Yorkshire

About us

North Yorkshire Supported Living Services enables adults with special care needs, learning disabilities, physical disabilities and mental health issues to live in their own home with the support they need to do so.

Personalised Support

The needs of the person using the service are paramount in the design and delivery of the support. Each package of support is developed on an individually assessed basis with each person and their families, and can range from 24-hours per day to one or two hours per week.

Support Team

A competent, caring and committed staff team is available to meet the needs of those who use our services. Training and development of staff is a key priority for us to ensure service delivery is of the highest standard.


  • Support with all aspects of independent living
  • Enabling people to live in their own or their family home
  • Support available from 1 or 2 hours per week to 24-hours per day

Support offered includes:

Living Skills
Cooking and cleaning, shopping, washing and ironing, gardening, and involvement and making choices.

Community Living
Finding out about services near their home, including day services, employment and education, accessing social and community activities, advocacy support and travel and holidays, including support whilst on holiday.

Paying bills and rent, budgeting and saving and claiming and collecting benefits.

Helping people to understand their license agreement or tenancy, what their rights are and what the landlord must do, helping people to get to know their neighbours and health and safety.

Personal care can also be provided, which is assessed on an individual basis.


Each person’s package is costed separately and the cost is based on assessed need. A full costing is provided prior to any decision on the provision of any services.

Saint John of God Hospitaller Services